Basic Git Commands for Windows Users

Basic Git Commands for Windows Users

Git is a powerful version control system that is widely used for tracking changes in software development projects. To use Git on Windows, you can either install Git for Windows, which provides a Git command-line interface and a graphical user interface (Git GUI), or you can use Git through a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) if you have WSL installed.

Here are some basic Git commands you can use on Git for Windows:

1. Initialize a new Git repository:

git init

2. Clone a remote repository:

git clone [repository_url]

3. Add changes to the staging area:

git add [file(s)]

4. Commit changes with a message:

git commit -m "Your commit message here"

5. Check the status of your working directory:

git status

6. Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository:

git pull

7. Push your changes to a remote repository:

git push

8. List all branches:

git branch

9. Switch to a different branch:

git checkout [branch_name]

10. Merge changes from another branch:

git merge [branch_name]

11. Display commit history:

git log

12. List remote repositories:

git remote -v

13. Fetch changes from a specific remote repository:

git fetch [remote_name]

14. Add a new remote repository:

git remote add [remote_name] [remote_url]

15. Show the differences between your working directory and the last commit:

git diff

16. Unstage changes from the staging area:

git reset [file(s)]

17. Remove files from Git and the working directory:

git rm [file(s)]

18. Rename a file in Git:

git mv [old_file] [new_file]
  • You can run these commands individually in your command prompt or Git Bash as needed for your Git workflow. Make sure to replace `[repository_url]`, `[file(s)]`, `[branch_name]`, `[remote_name]`, `[remote_url]`, and `"Your commit message here"` with the appropriate values for your specific use case.
  • These are some of the most commonly used Git commands. Git has many more features and options, so it's worth exploring the Git documentation or using the `git --help` command to learn more about specific commands or options.
  • If you're using Git through WSL, you can use the same Git commands as you would in a regular Linux environment. Just open a terminal within your WSL instance and run the Git commands mentioned above.

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